Echolalia 2022-2023

200 × 180 cm
Acryl, Tinte, Flashe, und Spraypaint auf Leinwand 2023


a flower that might bite back, yellow spray paint and venomous stamen

You’ll Find Me If You Want Me

115 x 80 cm

acrylic,ink, Flashe, spray paint

on canvas with rubber snakes


a flower that might bite back, yellow spray paint and venomous stamen


95 x 100 cm

acrylic and Flashe on canvas

photo: Joe Clark

Seance (The Book of M)

115 x 80 cm

acrylic and flashe on canvas with canlde, moss and

handmade clay candle holder

photo: Joe Clark

a flower that might bite back, yellow spray paint and venomous stamen

Bryter Later

140 x 138 cm

acrylic,ink, and Flashe

on canvas

photo: Joe Clark

a flower that might bite back, yellow spray paint and venomous stamen

Back to the Mother (Back to the Garden)

200 x 180 cm

acrylic, spray paint, and Flashe

on velvet and canvas

with steel chains and rubber spiders


a flower that might bite back, yellow spray paint and venomous stamen

The Best Western

150 x 170 cm

acrylic and spraypaint and tuille on canvas 



150 x 90 cm 

acrylic and ink on linen 

double-sided painting


150 x 90 cm

acrylic and ink on linen

double-sided painting

(private collection)

Coming Soon:

A works on paper web archive

Yellow Corbu

150 x 90 cm

acrylic and spraypaint on linen


Blue Rasberry Hydra

150 x 90 cm

acrylic and ink on linen

double-sided painting

Leiden, Reiben, und Singen

150 x 90

acrylic and ink on linen

double-sided painting